I wrote and presented TaxBanter’s superannuation webinars and face to face superannuation sessions for advisers from 2014 to 2017. During this time, I also presented tax training sessions to advisers.

Presenter – super training CPA - '15 to 2017
Presenter & writer - super training - '14 to 2017
Tax trainer - 2012 to 2017
Presenter - CPA National Conference - '14 to '16

Co-presented SMSF Specialisation course '11 to '16
Assisted with exam marking - 2013 to 2016
Assisted with exam preparation - 2013 to 2016
Review SMSF Specialisation Materials - '11 to '16
Assisted with updating notes - 2011 to 2016
I help teach and writing the University of NSW’s SMSF Specialisation course for SMSF practitioners. I also assist write and mark the course exam.

I help review the materials for advisers studying to be specialists with the SMSF Association. I also assisted writing materials for the Trustee knowledge centre.

Presenter - 2017 National Conference
Writer and reviewer - SSA Materials ('14, '15 & '16)
Writer - SMSF Trustee Knowledge Centre ('15 & 16)
Writer - Workshop Case Studies (2016)
Writer - Case study (State Tech. Conference - 2016)
Presenter - 2015 National Conference
Presenter - 2011 State Chapter events
Presenter - 2011 National Conference

Co-wrote and co-presented at Super Schools Day 2 from 2003 to 2008
Co-presented Super Schools Day 1 - '06 to '08
Co-presented FBT 2006
Prepared and presented SMSF Basics, Payroll, Tax Basics, Tax Schools and Tax Hot Spots
Re-engineered Tax Schools Day 1 CD
Co-implemented 'NTAA Corporate'
Co-wrote CGT Concessions Kit
Co-wrote Division 7A calculator
Sat on numerous ATO forums
I worked for 10 years at the National Tax and Accountants' Association (NTAA). I sat on the phones and answered around 25,000 practitioner enquiries. I also co-wrote and presented Super Schools for a number of years.

I have presented at many SMSF conferences for the CA-ANZ (formally Institute of Chartered Accountants) over the years.

Presenter - 2014 National Conference
Presenter - 2013 Quarterly update series
Presenter - 2013 National Conference
Presenter - 2012 National Conference
Presenter - 2011 National Conference
Presenter - 2011 SMSF Day
Presenter - 2010 Introduction to SMSFs